Scholarship Reception

4th Annual WBR Empowerment Legacy Scholarship Reception

Thursday, April 20, 2024





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3rd Annual WBR Empowerment Legacy Scholarship Reception

August 18, 2022

Join the Ridley family as we continue to remember and honor the life and legacy of Walter B. Ridley. 

In keeping with his life’s mission of helping others, we are pleased to announce the 3rd Annual WBR Empowerment Legacy Scholarship Reception established to commemorate his commitment and passion for improving the plight of men and women of all ages who were once incarcerated. 

Last year’s scholarships were awarded to a formerly incarcerated young woman who continues to work towards staying on track and admits that it is a daily struggle; and an 18-year-old young lady with an incarcerated parent preparing to graduate from high school. In addition, the three scholarship recipients from the previous year were given stipends to further their educational and vocational pursuits. 

This year we will be awarding scholarships to new mentees recently released from incarceration and a child or teen of an incarcerated parent, all intending to support, empower and uplift those who have been involved in or impacted by the Criminal Justice System directly or indirectly. 

We hope you’ll be a part of this special evening as we connect, inspire, and enjoy good food, live music, surprises, and giveaways while making a difference in someone else’s life the way Walter B. Ridley would if he were still with us. 

Business Attire- Put your bowtie on (if you have one) and meet us at the Mansion, one of my dad’s favorite venues, for an evening you are sure to remember. 

The WBR Empowerment Legacy Foundation operates based on 100% donations and sponsorships.  

We are pleased to offer the Eagle, Lion, and Tree of Life sponsorship packages this year. 


Eagle  Level Sponsorship: 


The Eagle Level sponsorship provides three mentee scholarships to be awarded at the reception. 

  1. A Recently released formerly incarcerated senior (50 plus years of age, following a minimum of 20 years of incarceration)  
  2. A Recently released formerly incarcerated adult or young adult  
  3. A Child or teen of a currently incarcerated parent 

The Eagle Level sponsorship also provides the mentees already in the WBRELF program with stipends on the evening of the reception to further their educational and vocational pursuits.  

 Your package includes: 

  • Entrance to the pre-reception at 5:30 pm 
  • One reserved table for seven guests (with your company logo on the reserved sign) 
  • Full-page program ad 
  • Company logo and recognition on the WBR Empowerment Legacy Foundation, Inc. website for 2022-2023  
  • Stage recognition during the reception 
  • Photo with your sponsored mentees at the pre-reception 

Click Image to Enlarge


February 19, 2021

Ticket: $40.00

In keeping with Walter B. Ridley’s life mission of helping others, we are pleased to announce the 2nd Annual WBR Empowerment Legacy Scholarship Reception; established one year ago to commemorate his commitment and passion for improving the plight of men and women who were once incarcerated.

Last year’s scholarships were awarded to three young men who broke the recidivism cycle. To encourage that momentum, we will continue with another year of support and mentorship (services and connections between our mentors and mentees were limited by the COVID-19 pandemic). In addition to our three young men, we are adding a young woman who was formerly incarcerated, striving to succeed and in serious need of our support.

We hope you will be a part of our virtual evening of testimonies from our mentees, introduction of our new addition, entertainment Walter Ridley style, a chance to see each others faces, extend virtual hugs and more…
Put your bowtie on (if you have one) and meet us on zoom for an evening you are sure to remember and won’t want to miss!

Get your ticket fast as they will sell out again this year.

***A small token of appreciation will be distributed or mailed depending on your location- details will be made available once your ticket has been purchased***


On February 19, 2020, the WBR Empowerment Legacy Foundation, Inc. was launched, and the first Annual Scholarship Reception was established.
What better way to spend February 19th, the day Walter B. Ridley received his angels, then supporting what he was most passionate about.
We felt his spirit as we celebrated in the Walter Ridley fashion by awarding scholarships to three incredible young men reentering the community from incarceration.
We were all amazed and moved to tears as they told their stories and voiced their determination to become productive, integral, and contributing members of society.

We were more than ever convinced of our role and responsibility to support, empower, and encourage their efforts to establish lives void of future criminal justice involvement.

Look how much you helped!

Because of your invested partnership and donations, we were able to provide $2,000.00 to each awardee towards educational endeavors and an additional $500.00 during this COVID-19 pandemic.
This aligns with the goal of completing school and gaining meaningful and self-sustaining employment while working towards becoming a better version of themselves.
These young men are certainly on the path to long term success and we could not be more proud of them.
Our goal is to continue the Legacy of Walter B. Ridley by supporting, empowering and uplifting formerly justice involved young men and women who truly desire to change the course of their lives.

We believe in second chances and we are glad that you do too!